Redfield Street and Gumwood Road Roundabout

October 5, 2023 – The Cass County Road Commission has opened the newly constructed roundabout located at the intersection of Redfield Street and Gumwood Road in Milton Township, Cass County. Discussion on this project began in 2010 concluding with a joint study in 2014 between Milton Township and the Road Commission. The study outlined the best traffic solution for the intersection that experiences heavy traffic volumes of Michigan and Indiana residents.

Phase I of the roundabout project is the 3-legged intersection that opened today. The Road Commission applied for MDOT safety grants in 2018, 2019 and in 2020 to help fund the project. In 2020 the Road Commission was granted $581,672 for the project from the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT). In 2022 the Road Commission requested and was awarded an additional $16,000 of safety funds from MDOT. Milton Township agreed to contribute $120,000 towards the project. The estimated cost to construct this project was $872,700. The bid letting was done by MDOT on June 2, 2023, and the project was awarded to Northern Construction Services Corporation (NCSC) as the low bidder at $904,920. The remaining $187,248 of construction costs as well as the $83,200 in design costs came out of the Cass County Road Commission budget.

Construction began and the road was closed on July 10, 2023, with a scheduled opening date of October 27, 2023. NCSC completed the work ahead of schedule, and the road opened today at 12:00 p.m.

In 2014 the plan was to construct a single roundabout connecting the offset segments of Gumwood Road into one intersection with Redfield Street. Due to cost and funding restrictions, construction of the north leg connecting the western portion of Gumwood Road to the roundabout was planned for later development.  Recently additional funding became available through Federal governmental grants, and construction of the north leg of Gumwood Road was moved to 2024 as Phase II of the project.

Phase II, coming next year, has an estimated cost of $1,165,000 and has already received various funding commitments. totaling $866,758; $334,514 from the Niles-Buchanan-Cass Area Transportation Study (NATS), and $532,244 in Rural Task Force (RTF) funds allocated for Cass County. The project’s final documents are being submitted to MDOT for bidding this winter so construction may begin in the spring of 2024.

This major safety construction project was anticipated over thirteen years ago as a collaboration between Milton Township and the Road Commission. This vision will be accomplished in 2024 when construction is complete. This long-awaited project creates a much safer drive for residents and travelers in southwest Cass County.